Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A new me?

I have been thinking a lot lately about how I act, What I do, the things that I say, and have decided that I try this new start one more time.

Recently, I have been talking to someone that I talk to on a normal basis, but things got a little to out of hand. I love this kid to death, but the things that were said are not things that we should exactly encourage. I realize that this is wrong, thats the important thing.

Now, For this boy that I like, he is nice, funny, smart, and knows how to make me laugh, he is my friends EX, see a problem? Well I do. There are pro's and con's for each side, but I have decided that I will in fact date him...Still no problem...He has these days that make me wonder if he really likes me or not. He acts like it for a few days, and then we just don't talk. I am not going to be doing all the talking, he really needs to drop those habits of his, and just step up... Problem.

I just need to start over, I have all the time in the world now that soccer is over, I am pushing myself to new challenges, like taking two honors classes next year, and by starting to get more evolved in my school. Ex) Joining Link Crew, Wanting to be on student council, picking up dance, and a travel soccer league. Basically, just keeping myself as busy as possible and by making as many friends as I absolutely can. I realized that I am not totally happy with all of my friends, having many many more would give me that confidence boost I have been needing.

More Later.

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