Monday, June 9, 2008


Some weird stuff has been going on...
Don't know how to explain it.
Deff scared to death...

Firstttt - Last night, Don't know if i was dreaming or not, but I believe that someone was in my house, now your probably thinking I'm a lunitic or something but I do believe there was, wether it be (weird I know) a ghost, or a real person, they were deff trying to tell me something. ANDDDD, I heard the sound of a car crash, this is something I have heard before but there was nothing out side of my window, I checked the other neighborhood and everything, And this is just the begining.

Today- I thought I heard a loud bang on my window, Like a huge rock hitting it or something, I went out to investigate, and Nothing... No rock, Not any trace of anything hitting the window. As I was getting dressed, A freaking computer speaker falls over, it was originally in the middle of my desk. There is NO way that it could have fallen on its own, I mean it sits in the middle of the desk for gods sake. And all of the power to my room was cut off. My room and sisters room are on the same circuit, and her room had power... Just FREAKINGGG ME OUT A LITTLE... =]

Ugh, I don't know or have a clue what any of this means but it means something... grr.

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